Thursday, August 23, 2012

Raise Your Website's Page Rank Using Helpful Tips Like These

Searching ... by Billablubb

Automatic SEO System

Bloggers and website owners everywhere know how important it is for a site to have high page rank. Google, the biggest search engine in the world has its own ranking algorithm, where they give a rank to each page taking a number of factors into consideration. Generally the only sites that make it to page one on Google has a high page rank. Following these steps will put your website on the path to higher page rank before you know it.

Social bookmarking sites like StumbleUpon, Reddit, Delicious and Digg all have great page ranks and sites listed in them can be greatly helped in terms of their own page ranks. These websites can offer you a fantastic way to make contact with your target audience through the provision of good content. So in a way, social bookmarking sites offer you a way to directly and indirectly increase your website's page rank. How is that possible? For one thing, the websites that you submit to already have a very high page rank. Next, people who make a habit of visiting these sites do so because they use them as portals to other kinds of content. This is another way of letting you know that if your website offers anything of intrinsic value, you will have more websites than you know what to do with helping you inflate your page rank. The tags of your bookmarks need to be relevant and have the best keywords. Interlink your pages so that you can raise your whole site's overall page rank. That's right; internal linking is greatly favored by Google in all instances. Think on Wikipedia: the site has gotten large and popular partly because of the unique interlinking structure of the site. This just goes on to show Google that your site contains valuable content and offers smooth navigation to the visitors. All of this ultimately leads to a higher page rank, which is exactly what you're looking for.

Offer prizes to other site owners and page writers if they link to you. This is very underused because either people don't use it or because they don't actually feel comfortable putting it into play. If you use it though you'll see all sorts of backlinks popping up for your site using good keywords because people like to enter contests.

These methods are just a few of the steps you can take to increase your page rank. There are many additional things you may also do if you feel like you have done everything you can do. Staying on top of the latest and greatest method to build page rank through SEO may seem like a struggle, especially since there are new methods coming out every day. What we've learned in this article is that if you can focus on getting high quality backlinks with a good page rank, then you can slowly and steadily increase your rank and ultimately end up on the first page of Google for your targeted phrase.

Article source: Chance Romriell ( fbf88c95 ) is a prolific guest blogger and they also specializes in seo services more details of which can be discovered on their web site or blog...

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