Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Are You Making These Mistakes with Your Autoresponder?

Zebra web site by kpucu

All online marketers and businesses with any type of clue understand that an email list is one of the huge keys to success. The way you talk to those on your list and build that all-important relationship is with an autoresponder. Here are some great autoresponder tips that will help you get off to a great start.

(Also perfect for French property portals)

For years it has been well known that preselling is at the heart of marketing to your prospects, and that is why you want to use an autoresponder service. It is about mindset, but that is very important because your mindset basically determines what you do and what you put into something. However, it is still extremely important for you to keep on giving great content to your list. You will be courting disaster by coldly asking your list to visit this sales page and take a look at it. Instead, you should focus on recommending these products in a subtle manner. But when it is time to send a promotional email, then make no bones about what you are doing and use a call to action. There is nothing wrong with making a hearty recommendation after some thoughtful words about it. That is in short how you can presell your list.

If you time things right, you can make a killing using certain types of coupons in your emails that are related to time sensitive offers. Even though hardcore selling is totally frowned upon in the email marketing world, what you're aiming at doing here is just letting the subscribers "know" about an offer by giving them a discount that needs to be used in a certain period of time. It will not hurt anything to test it out and see what the results are.

One good way to leverage an autoresponder is to stay on top of the mind of your customers by offering them daily tips that are targeted. This will probably only work in certain markets, but it is worth a try because we have seen this done and it was really good. It is also a good idea to mix things up a little bit, and once again test it out. Regardless of what you test, if you are consistent with building a good relationship with quality information, then that will help to keep the unsubs down. All in all, from the above article we come to understand the importance of using an autoresponder the right way. None of these tips are hard to implement, so avoid overlooking them for any reason and use them. Also keep on trying to find ways to automate aspects of your online business because it will all make a positive difference.

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