Saturday, October 30, 2010

Article Marketing Can Do A Lot For You - Once You Learn to do It Properly

SEO Expert

Partita SEO di Calcetto by marco.ziero

Every Online Business Can Benefit From Article Marketing
Article marketing is widely used as a way to promote online businesses for a variety of reasons. It can give you a surge of targeted traffic if done the right way. The following are some of the unmatched benefits you can get from article marketing.
With the right strategy, article marketing can give your site a boost in page rank. As we all know, the page rank is really important in the eyes of Google, which is the biggest search engine amongst all. The more sites you can get your article posted to; the more backlinks your site will eventually have pointing to it. Remember, web pages that have a high page rank is better to get a backlink posted on than one with a lower page rank. You don't have to focus on getting backlinks from all high PR web pages but it will help to at least have a few. Nowadays, getting respected in the eyes of Google is important because it sends the majority of traffic. Google's algorithm is programmed to use page rank as a major factor in determining a site's rank so that is a good thing to focus on. Your article marketing can go viral and bring you traffic from all around the globe. Consistent page rank can easily be achieved through article marketing because your backlinks stay active for a long time on most of the sites, especially the high page rank ones. So if a time comes when you need to sell your website, your high PR will fetch you a better rate. If you want better results from your articles then you should direct all of your traffic to a page where people can opt into your subscriber's list. Every Internet marketer is aware of the value of list building and what better way to do it than with article marketing? As long as the article is setting the tone of what to expect from your e-mail content and you meet those expectations then you are golden. Articles pointing to your opt-in page can definitely make you a chunk of money time after time. Your own in-house list is one of the surefire ways of making a fulltime living online. Article marketing can work wonders on for your campaigns and for increased results you should use your resource box as a means of trying to get the reader to click thru; do this by listing benefits of what your list are website offers. Learn to use articles to their full potential and you can tap into a very lucrative form of internet marketing.
Finally, as you consistently create articles in a particular niche, you will start to get recognized as an authority on your topic. As your reputation grows, this makes people see you as reliable and trustworthy. You'll notice that you will start to build loyal readers who will follow your articles and take your advice on a regular basis. Many of these people will end up your customers and subscribers. Slow and steady you'll be able to build a brand out of yourself, which will obviously push your article marketing to the next level.
All in all, the article marketing benefits we discussed above give us a clear understanding on how indulging in it can help you boost your online business. Your articles can bring you search engine traffic well into the future.

Source: Denny Orson is our guest SEO expert who also writes articles on the subject of Seo List.